Promotions gratuites et backlinks


Why use the automatic backlink service?

The goal  is to do Backlink exchanges  very easily. While you would need a lot of energy and time to get a quality backlink, with our automated exchange system you can get Backlinks automatically!

The link exchange system is organized around a partner network. At the bottom of each automatic exchange page you will find a list of sites allowing you to obtain additional backlinks.

How does ç work?

The link exchange services will allow you to increase your visits and your positioning in search engines with the exchange page automatic link exchange from Link exchange.

⓵ Copy the html code first and then paste it on your website or blog.

⓶ ☢Clear your browser cache☢ Click this banner from your website or blog.

⓷ Your URL referral links will be created automatically on this website. ⚠ Adult sites will be banned without notice ⚠

How to integrate the links to your website?

You just need to copy this code and paste it into; the place you want on your website. Either through your cms or by modifying your html or php page.

If the code is not detected; for a week on one of your pages, it will no longer be counted for the attribution of your backlinks.

How long does the partnership remain active?

There are no time limits for obtaining the Backlink, however to guarantee the quality; backlinks for our members the referencing pages cannot exceed 100 outgoing links.

There is therefore a rotation where the last visit from a referring site replaces the oldest and so on.

Which sites are accepted and prohibited? Where can I put the code?

You cannot add websites made with frames. Each page where the code is added is regularly checked by the site script, the code must be:

  • Visible and easily accessible (Either on the home page or on a page directly linked to this one)
  • In the body tag and not elsewhere

Are prohibited and will be banned, all sites whose content is linked; :

  • à pornography and nudity
  • à pirated programs
  • à a racist character
  • in Audio format submitted to; copyright
  • in Video format submitted to; copyright
  • à illegal activities.


The site moderator reserves the  right to blacklist addresses, Ip or keywords if the behavior of a member does not comply with; everyone's interest. Banning decisions are irreversible and non-negotiable. | Privacy | Rules | Plugboard | Contact |
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